+90 216 2322689 info@dinamikendustriyel.com
  • Designed for packed meat, dairy products, delicatessen, and fruit/vegetable products and for drinks.
  • You could create the design you require in your stores with its different color, height and size options and could set up island with the use of gondola head modules depending on your requirements
  • Provides low energy consumption with its night blind durıng the night. With the door option, you can have low energy consumption all day.
  • Ease of use for placement of the products and for the display because of its shelves that could be adjusted vertically and at an angle
Model Base Height mm Width Options (mm) Length Options (mm) Height Options (mm)
Nilüfer 337 725/825/925/1025/1125 937/1250/1875/2500/2815/3750 2050/2200
Nergis LM-FG 337 825/925/1025 1562/2343/3124/3905 2050/2200
Nergis FG 337 825/925/1025 1250/1875/2500/2815/3750 2050/2200
Krizantem 337 940 1250/1875/2500/2815/3750 2020
Lale 340 920/1020 1250/1875/2500/2815/3750 1560/1760


LM: Alüminyum Çerçeve ve Kapak/ Aluminium Frame & Door
FG: Tüm Camlı / Full Glass
SL: Şarküteri ve İçecek / Delicatessen & Drink

  • Side panels can be double glazed glass (panoramic), closed panel with mirror inside or closed panel without mirror.
  • You can show your displayed products more lively with the use of under shelf lighting that can be supplied as an option.
  • Plexy front risers or Hangers and hooks can be used according to your product variety